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The Atrium

University of South Wales

86-88 Adam Street


CF24 2FN

USW BA Graphic Communication

I’m Scared: Climate Anxiety

The lives of young people aged 16-24 have been profoundly shaken by the looming threat of climate change. Startling statistics reveal that one out of every three individuals in this age group express being ‘very worried’ about the consequences of climate change. This alarming trend has led to the emergence of a new term called ‘Climate Anxiety.’

To establish an emotional connection with the audience, the ‘I’m Scared’ campaign utilizes a series of visually powerful images that serve as metaphors for the most significant fears associated with climate change. Initially introduced as a poster campaign, ‘I’m Scared’ has now expanded its reach to include both Welsh and English languages. The campaign incorporates additional informational leaflets and utilizes Instagram as a platform to engage with its target demographic effectively.

The use of visual metaphors lies at the heart of this communication initiative. By employing lateral thinking techniques and leveraging the power of word association, the campaign seeks to maximize the impact of these visuals and evoke a strong emotional response.


Natasha Harris
