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The Atrium

University of South Wales

86-88 Adam Street


CF24 2FN

USW BA Graphic Communication

Accessibility In Motorsport

Motorsports are watched by so many people across the world, however there has been a lot of people saying that motorsport is very expensive and not very accessible. The main purpose of this challenge is there is no awareness of how much it can cost to start in motorsports. You need to figure out why the current awareness is so low and how can you improve the awareness graphically. Also there is a misconception that you must be rich to be able to start racing, so you must find a way to graphically get rid of that misconception.

This brief is aimed at motorsports fans who are interested in starting in motorsports, but think that it is too expensive. Try to find ways to raise awareness of the schemes and grants that are available for from the government and private ventures.

This piece of design should allow people that want to start in motorsports to have a better understanding of what financial help they can receive. It should also help the user get rid of their misconceptions of starting motorsports being expensive, and should also give them general information on the sports they are interested in.


Thomas Baker

Prototype Link:



