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The Atrium

University of South Wales

86-88 Adam Street


CF24 2FN

USW BA Graphic Communication

AUXO: Who Will You Be?

How do we connect Gen – Z to the great inspirational musicians, so that they might follow in their professional creative practice?

Music has influenced people for thousands of years. It has evolved and informed societ over the last hundred years. It has solved or addressed problems within society; including inequality issues, accepting different forms of sexuality to helping people through tough times. Generation Z are all for expressing their beliefs through many art forms or medias and just want to be heard.

So I created Auxo, named after the Greek Goddess of Growth. My aim was to create a brand that inspired growth, connection and empowerment throughout Gen Z. The brand is intended to spark motivation and find progress through connection so that the audience can succeed within music or their life.

The social media campaign #thebutterflyeffect allows users to share their top ten inspirational music with each other. Connecting one another and learning new things from each other.


James Frost


